Can Makeup Trigger Skin Allergy?

If hair gel is a must for men, then makeup is its counterpart for women. It’s more than just a vanity kit, it’s something that enhances their beauty and makes them presentable all throughout the day. That’s why it is a bit alarming when you’ve noticed something that appears on your face or skin and you are advised to seek the best allergist in town to help you find out what’s going on.

Makeup is just one of the many cosmetics being applied to your skin (together with moisturizers), hair (shampoo, hair treatment, and conditioner), or nails (nail polish). They come from a mixture of emulsifiers, sunscreens, perfumes, pigments, metals, resins, and preservatives. Nowadays, cosmetics also contain organic essential oils. Number 1 rule: remove makeup after. There is also permanent makeup which, technically is similar to a tattoo.

The Risk of Cosmetic Reaction

Ill-starred reactions to cosmetic products are generally expected depending on the longevity of its use. Allergic reaction to cosmetics will start from the basic irritation until it progresses. The best solution to avoid such reaction to such skin chemicals is to stop using it, rather than raise your concern to an expert. Sensitivity to cosmetics may cause direct irritation deep down the skin or could be another allergic reaction. There are some cases where skin irritation manifests upon its first time of using the cosmetic while others notice the reaction only after multiple uses. Others have really extreme sensitive skin that makes them intolerant to almost all kinds of cosmetics.

Where Does A Reaction Normally Show?

Obviously, makeup and other cosmetics are applied on the face, so this is where a reaction can easily emerge. Compared to men, women are more prone to this kind of allergic reaction because they tend to wear more makeup and other enhancers. Once an allergic reaction starts, you will be experiencing itchiness, scaling, dryness, and eczematous dermatitis – a condition where a cosmetic is strictly applied for an important purpose

Could It Be More Than Just A Rash?

Not all skin diseases are caused by cosmetic rashes and allergists suggest to avoid using the specific brand for about two to three weeks for further observation. If the rash only occurs when you use that particular makeup solution, then it’s really the cosmetic that triggers your skin allergy. But if the irritation happens even without any cosmetics applied, then it could be a skin condition like atopic dermatitis or could be other persisting problems.

What Is The Treatment For Makeup Allergies?

Generally, skin allergies or irritants will cure on its own for as long as you avoid using that specific product. Others use hydrocortisone cream that can easily be purchased over the counter whilst all else fails, make an appointment with a skin care professional and have a stronger steroid be made for you.

What You Should Know About Makeup Allergies

  • Most of the rash from a harsh makeup artist is commonly called irritations and not yet allergies.
  • If a makeup brand irritates your skin stop using it permanently.
  • Since cosmetics, in general, are composed of various chemical and organic substances, any of those ingredients can trigger your allergies.

How To Choose Your Allergy-friendly Makeup Partner

  1. Always check the label.

It’s always the safest way to protect yourself, especially if you have allergies. The lesser the ingredient, the lower the chances of getting a negative reaction towards it.

  1. Do your own patch test.

The majority of the cosmetic consumers do not do this, but you should since you have high chances of makeup reaction. To do this, put a tiny amount of the product inside your elbow and let it sit there for about 48 to 72 hours. If there is no itching, swelling, redness, or burning feeling it means it’s safe for you to use it.

  1. Spray it correctly.

When it comes to your colognes and perfumes, spray them directly on your clothes and not on your skin. It will less likely to cause you a reaction towards it, plus, it will not also affect the other products that you have applied to yourself.

  1. Safeguard yourself.

Observe your skin on how it reacts.  Sometimes products that say “dermatologist tested”, “hypoallergenic”, “non-irritating”, or “sensitivity tested” does not give assurance that your skin will not react to it.

  1. Stop and relax.

The moment your skin reacts differently to any cosmetics or beauty products, stop using them instantly. There are over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams that can treat any skin inflammation or swelling. Otherwise, consult your dermatologist for better prescriptions.

Using makeup and other cosmetic brands can really boost one’s self-confidence, especially if you’re always facing people. It’s also overwhelming to be using famous cosmetic brands because the feeling of standing out and being noticed is always there, however, the moment you felt something off on your face or anywhere on your skin immediately seek help from any allergy physician to be treated appropriately.

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