What Can Law of Attraction Do For You

Every time a woman makes her way through hair salons and comes out satisfied with her new look like her aura is making a statement to the world that she can rule and run the entire universe. It’s that strong will and affirmative willingness are what’s fueling her drive to reach for her dreams and become that person she’s aspiring to be. Actually, this scenario does not only happen to women – it happens to everyone. The story and instances may vary, yet, it is still a case to case basis. That spirited belief you put on something you wanted to achieve or you wanted to happen in your life, setting aside the thought whether it will or can happen now or soon, is what others may call it as the LAW OF ATTRACTION.


“ As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the Universe know what you want, and working toward it,  while letting go of how it comes to pass.” – Jim Carrey

The Law of Attraction is probably something you’ve encountered many times in your life, or could be a word you always hear or come across with. You may familiar with the “word” alone, but do you deeply understand or have a full grasp of what it really means?

If you find yourself spending some time visualizing, or imagining ideas, the certain things that you wanted, and you do this often, and you are 100% hopeful that things will happen for as long as you stick to your plan, that “it” will manifest on its own in your life – the YOU in your dreams will manifest, regardless of the odds and the improbabilities, that is, in fact, LAW OF ATTRACTION.


The thought about this law is easier than putting it into words. If you practice meditation every day, then you’re actually halfway there. Yet, meditation is just one of the many ways to get a clear picture of what you really want. Here are the basic ways:

  • DECIDE what you want.

Deciding about something is always the hardest and, therefore, this is by far the most difficult part of the entire process. Figuring out what you want – deep in your soul, should be your top priority, regardless of how futile your goal is – at the moment. You can aspire to become a billionaire or as simple as losing weight – it’s actually anything YOU REALLY WANT.

Simply start with THREE things:

  • One small goal;
  • One medium goal;
  • One crazy goal.
  • CHOOSE a method.

A method in the law of attraction is something you are most confident or comfortable of doing whenever you imagine or visualize your goals. It could be by taking walks in the park or at the beach, some prefer solitary confinement or deep meditation. Whatever way you wanted, just make sure that you are at your most relaxed and quiet environment as possible. Avoid being disturbed or interrupted. Being focused for at least 30 minutes is very important. You have to be comfortable in discerning your goals, but don’t lay down otherwise you might find yourself in Snoozeville.

  • CREATE your reverie.

Allow your mind to wander for a couple of minutes. Say, your goal is to lose weight. Imagine yourself in front of the mirror and looking stunning. You’ve lost a lot of extra pounds and you are so static about it. Then you see yourself walking outside and someone approaches you commenting on how slim and amazing you look. This is an example of how you imagine yourself accomplishing your goal and not how you are going to do it.

You should establish the WILL and not the WAY. Let the universe conceptualize the method that is right for you.

Make this a habit – repetition is the key. You are not limited to one goal only, you can have as many as you want for as long as you are committed to achieving it. In fact, it is best to combine all your goals in one dream or fantasy. If you are having a hard time using your imagination, try to clear your head and thoughts first and avoid thinking of anything for at least a minute.


Imagine about your dreams and fantasies every day for at least 30 minutes to an hour or even beyond that if you feel inclined to it already. Make sure that both your mind and soul are connected and in sync. Go over with the same story again and again and try to be consistent. What the law of attraction does is to let your conscious mind create your dreams or ideal, then it imprints it straight to your subconscious mind, it channels the goal to the Universal Mind and executes the action to achieve it and make it a reality. Let your emotions become involved and allow yourself to absorb all the good things and positivity happening around you daily. Give yourself the freedom to feel good.

  • EXPECT signs and results.

If you feel or encounter something which you think is an opportunity to achieve your goal, seize it and do not let go of that chance. Remember that it is NOT A COINCIDENCE. Don’t treat it like just any of the top rated hair salons Rockville – this is not just about your hair. Realize that they happen because you are getting closer to your goals until you act upon it, grab every opportunity, and be assertive. ALWAYS BE OPTIMISTIC.

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